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On campus, authorities or enterprises in China, due to a variety of research needs, often have a variety of questionnaires, the traditional model, people not only have to spend a lot of the cost of printing the questionnaires, but also spend a lot of time and Issued on the questionnaire, the recovery of the questionnaire, statistical survey, questionnaires and control poor, prone to leakage volume, the volume of waste. The system built on the basis of information technology, to build an online questionnaire design, distribution, investigation, recovery, statistical systems, the traditional solution to the basic appeal of the questionnaire chronic problem.
The paper introduces J2EE architecture firstly,and then,the importance of design patterns and the advantage of developing object-oriented application using design patterns are discussed.With following,some important design patterns used on J2EE architecture are described,and the way how to use these design patterns to design an enterprise management information system is introduced. Finally,the paper make a research and a design of a common framework established on J2EE platform.
Keywords:J2EE,questionnaire,common framework,survey
目 录
一、 绪论 7
(一)、引言 7
(二)、项目介绍 7
二、J2EE简介 7
(一)、J2EE概述 7
(二)、J2EE的优势 8
三、 系统的设计与实现 10
(一)、使用设计模式进行系统设计 10
(二)、系统总体设计 10
1、 MVC模式 10
2、系统总体结构 11
(三)、持久层设计与实现 12
(四)、 业务逻辑层的设计与实现 20
(五)、 前端WEB层设计与实现 21
四、重难点问题解决方案研究 25
(一)、如何实现用户答卷时题目动态截断和跳转 25
(二)、如何实现存取单张答卷 29
五、 通用框架设计 32
(一)、 用于获取数据库连接的实用工具 32
(二)、用于快速执行SQL的工具SQLCommand 33
结束语 35
附录 37
参考文献 42
致谢 43