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基于安卓Android手机的多轴飞行器姿态控制系统设计(任务书,毕业论文15000字,中期检查报告,外文翻译,Android端程序代码,Tiny M0端程序,答辩PPT)
摘 要
关键词  Android;音频;单片机
The Multirotor Attitude Control System Based on Android
With the maturing of Android development technology, based on the Android operating system is becoming more and more widely used. so the Android mobile phone audio interface technology development also caused wide attention of software developers, can use to control audio interface. 
Audio interface and pre - mike usually, line input and a host of other input devices.In the deep understanding of the Android development technology and audio interface. I built a small control system. The system through the Android platform in the play pure tone files, pure tone file broadcast audio interface output sine wave signal, and through to the Android program control signal amplitude and frequency.Android through audio line connected to the ARM development board, ARM development board will receive signals into analog signals required for remote control, remote control to control a radio control multi-axis vehicle attitude. Android's audio output interface four-way signal, the amplitude and frequency of the left and right two channel signals respectively corresponding to the pitch of multi-axle vehicle roll and yaw and the throttle four gesture.
Finally achieved the design of the Android platform of the output audio signal can be converted into four digital signal of the road. But not on the entity of multi-axle vehicle test.
Key words  Android; Audio; Development board
(1)搜集和查阅关于Android的基础知识和编程方面的资料以及关于Tiny M0单片机和CY8CKIT-050 PSOC 5LP DEVELOPMENT KIT开发板的知识;
(5)学习Tiny M0单片机的基本知识:IO引脚、定时器/计数器、中断系统、串口通信、AD转换等;
(6)学习CY8CKIT-050 PSOC 5LP DEVELOPMENT KIT开发板,并完成DA转换的相关基础实验;
5.2  本设计实现的功能
(3)可以通过Tiny M0单片机将Android端输出的双声道音频信号转换为对应的数字量。
目  录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
1  绪论 1
1.1  研究的相关背景 1
1.1.1  多轴飞行器的发展 1
1.1.2  多轴飞行器的控制方式 2
1.1.3  多轴飞行器的手机控制方法 2
1.2  设计目的 2
1.3  论文的构成概要 3
2  Android开发平台及ARM开发板 4
2.1  系统概述 4
2.2  Android软硬件平台介绍 4
2.2.1  Android架构 4
2.2.2  Android硬件平台 6
2.2.3  Android开发环境 6
2.3  ARM开发板Tiny M0介绍 9
2.3.1  Tiny M0开发板 9
2.3.2  Tiny M0开发环境 10
2.4  CY8CKIT-050开发板 13
3  系统各功能模块的设计与实现 19
3.1  系统构成 19
3.2  双声道音频信号控制模块 19
3.2.1  Android音频应用开发 19
3.2.2  音频信号幅度控制 21
3.2.3  音频信号频率控制 22
3.3  位姿控制模块 23
3.3.1  Android传感器应用开发 23
3.3.2  Android方向传感器数据的获取 24
3.4  控制信号转换模块 25
3.5  飞行器遥控器的改造 29
4  系统集成与功能测试 31
4.1  系统整体构成 31
4.2  Android端控制软件设计与实现 31
4.3  Tiny M0端控制软件设计与实现 35
5  结论 42
5.1  本设计所做的主要工作 42
5.2  本设计实现的功能 42
5.3  本设计的不足之处 42
参考文献 43
致  谢 44
外文原文 45
中文翻译 55